Posts Tagged ‘free’
Tags: balance, Dance, Education/Instruction, exercise, fitness, free, free classes, Healing Arts, Helpful Resources and Links, Milwaukie area, Music, Parkinsons disease, Portland area, Portland/Vancouver, strengthen, stretch
Category: Dancers, Education/Instruction, Fitness/Tai Chi/Yoga, Healing Arts, Helpful Resources and Links, Music
Tags: free, Holidays, Kipling, No charge, OK to contact on short notice, poetry, Poetry recitation, Portland/Vancouver area, Robert Frost, Shakespeare, Speaker, Storyteller, travel to your facility or event, volunteer
Category: CONTACT ON SHORT NOTICE--OK, MEMORY CARE, Poetry, Storytellers, Volunteers/Free Services
Tags: free, gift shop, guided tours, historic home, museum, Oregon City, Oregon history, outing, period clothing
Category: Education/Instruction, History, Museums and Galleries, Outings
Tags: 4 concerts yearly, classical, community orchestra, free, free concerts, Music, oregon sinfonietta, Outings, Portland, sinfonietta, Sunday afternoons
Category: Music, Music--Classical, Outings
Tags: Brown bag bring own lunch, Dancers, downtown Portland, free, Holidays, lecture/discussion, Monthly events Sept through June, Music, Outdoors in summer if weather permits, Outings, Theatre, Weekly events July and August
Category: Dancers, Education/Instruction, Holidays, Music, Music--Classical, Outings, Theatre