Clark County Historical Museum
Tags: Clark County Historical Museum, Education/Instruction, History, museum, outing, vancouver, Volunteer opportunities
Category: Education/Instruction, History, Museums and Galleries, Outings
Tags: Clark County Historical Museum, Education/Instruction, History, museum, outing, vancouver, Volunteer opportunities
Category: Education/Instruction, History, Museums and Galleries, Outings
Tags: balance, Dance, Education/Instruction, exercise, fitness, free, free classes, Healing Arts, Helpful Resources and Links, Milwaukie area, Music, Parkinsons disease, Portland area, Portland/Vancouver, strengthen, stretch
Category: Dancers, Education/Instruction, Fitness/Tai Chi/Yoga, Healing Arts, Helpful Resources and Links, Music
Tags: Clouds, Crystallography, Crystals, Education/Instruction, Geology, Meteorology, Northern Lights, Oceans, OK to contact on short notice, Orchids, Oregon Geology, Portland/Vancouver area, Powerpoint, presentations, Rainbows, Science, Speakers, travel to where seniors reside, Volcanoes, Wind Energy
Category: CONTACT ON SHORT NOTICE--OK, Education/Instruction, Hobbyists, Miscellaneous, Novelty, Speakers
Tags: comedy, drums, Education/Instruction, harmonica, historian, Jazz, Lane County, magic, Mid Willamette Valley, Miscellaneous, Music, Novelty, opera parody, Portland/Vancouver, sacred, Show Tunes, singer, Speakers, travels widely, ukulele, variety show, Vaudeville, vocal soloist, Western, whistling, yodel
Category: Comedy, Education/Instruction, Harmonica, History, Lane County, Magicians, Mid Willamette Valley, Miscellaneous, Music, Novelty, Speakers, Ukulele, Variety Shows, Vocal Soloists, Whistler
Tags: Dogs, Education/Instruction, Healing Arts, memory care, Neskowin to Florence, Oregon Coast, Therapy animals, travel to your facility
Category: Animal visits/therapy, Education/Instruction, Healing Arts, MEMORY CARE, Oregon Coast
Tags: Bill of Rights, colonial period attire, Constitution, Declaration of Independence, Education/Instruction, History, Holidays, Lane County, Mid Willamette Valley, Patriotism, Speakers, Storyteller, travels widely, US History
Category: Education/Instruction, History, Holidays, Lane County, Mid Willamette Valley, Speakers, Storytellers
Tags: classes, Education/Instruction, five locations throughout Portland area, Older adult learning, outing
Category: Education/Instruction, Outings
Tags: classes, Education/Instruction, fitness, gentle and personalized, Healing Arts, Portland/Vancouver area, senior yoga, teacher, travel to your facility, yoga
Category: Education/Instruction, Fitness/Tai Chi/Yoga, Healing Arts
Tags: Aztec, Claire Phillips, discount for nonprofits, Education/Instruction, History, Mexico, OK to contact on short notice, Portland/Vancouver area, Powerpoint presentations, Question and Answer sessions, Red Tail Angels, Sig Unander, Simon Benson, slide presentations, Speaker, Storyteller, travel beyond Portland metro if expenses reimbursed, World War II
Category: CONTACT ON SHORT NOTICE--OK, Education/Instruction, History, Speakers, Storytellers
Tags: Education/Instruction, History, Hobbies, Mid Willamette Valley, OK to contact on short notice, Portland and Mid-Valley, Portland/Vancouver, Speaker, streetcars, travel to your facility, trolley
Category: CONTACT ON SHORT NOTICE--OK, Education/Instruction, History, Hobbyists, Mid Willamette Valley, Speakers, Storytellers
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